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Choreography by: Peter & Alison

A -- 64 count, 4 wall, Intermediate level line dance

Music: Dance With Me Tonight by Olly Murs

Start on verse vocals – 56 count introduction:
[1-8] R side strut or R side hold, L back rock/recover, vine L 4
1 - 4 Touch R toes side, step R heel down, rock L back, recover weight on R
(Alternate steps for 1-2: step R side, hold)
5 - 8 Step L side, cross step R behind L, step L side, cross step R over L
[9-16] L side strut or L side hold, R back rock/recover, vine R with ¼ R & L scuff
1 - 4 Touch L toes side, step L heel down, rock R back, recover weight on L
(Alternate steps for 1-2: step L side, hold)
5 - 8 Step R side, cross step L behind R, turning ¼ right step R forward, scuff L forward (3 o’clock)
[17-24] L fwd lock step, ¼ L & R hitch, slow cross walk fwd 2
1 - 4 Step L forward, lock R behind L, step L forward, hitch R knee up turning ¼ left on L
5 - 8 Cross step R over L, hold, cross step L over R, hold (12 o’clock)
[25-32] R fwd rock/recover, ½ R turn, hold, L fwd, ¼ R pivot turn, L cross step, R side
1 - 4 Rock R forward, recover weight on L, turning ½ right step R forward, hold (6 o’clock)
5 - 8 Step L forward, pivot ¼ right, cross step L over R, step R side turning R heel out
(To prep for Tick Tock section OR if doing heel swivel alternative step R together) (9 o’clock)
[33-40] Tick Tock or twist alternative
Traveling right: 1 Turning both knees out turn both toes out and both hands out with palms out
2 Turning both knees in turn both heels out and both hands in with palms in
3 Turning both knees out turn both toes out and both hands out with palms out
4 Hold
Traveling left: 5 Turning both knees in turn both heels out and both hands in with palms in
6 Turning both knees out turn both toes out and both hands out with palms out
7 Turning both knees in turn both heels out and both hands in with palms in
8 Hold (weight ending on L)
(Alternate steps for 1-8: With feet together: twist heels R, toes R, heels R, hold, twist heels L, toes L, heels L, hold with weight ending on L)
RESTART: During wall 4 you will get as far as the Tick Tock section of the dance facing front wall (counts 33-40) Restart the dance from the beginning.
[41-48] R diagonal step-kick-back-back, L diagonal step-kick-back-back
1 - 2 Turning to right diagonal step R forward, kick L forward
3 - 4 Step L back, squaring to wall step R back
5 - 6 Turning to left diagonal step L forward, kick R forward
7 - 8 Step R back, squaring to wall step L back
[49-56] R rock back/recover, R side toe/heel strut, L side toe/heel strut, hips R & L
1 - 2 Rock R back, recover weight on L
3 - 6 Touch R toes side, step R heel down, touch L toes side, step L heel down
7 - 8 Bump hips R, bump hips L (weight ending on L)
[57-64] R & L fwd cross points, R cross step, L side rock/recover, L cross step
1 - 4 Cross step R over L, point L side, cross step L over R, point R side
5 - 8 Cross step R over L, rock L side, recover weight on R, cross step L over R
Start Again

(Originally taught by Tammy 2012/03)

Step sheet provided courtesy of: