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Choreography by: Cathy & Kathy

A -- 32 count, 4 Wall, Intermediate level line dance

Music: A Moon To Remember by Johnny Reid

Notes: Start of dance: 17 slow counts, start on vocals, when he says wrapped.
When doing this dance, think in terms of quick, quick, quick, quick, slow, slow -- that is the rhythm.
1-8 Weave Left, Sway, Sway, Weave Right, Sway, Sway
1 & ah 2 Weave to the left by stepping right behind left, left to side, right in front of left, step onto left.
3 - 4 Sway hips right, sway hips left.
5 & ah 6 Weave to the right by stepping side right with right foot, left foot behind right, side right with right foot step left foot in front of right
7 - 8 Sway hips Right, sway hips left.
9-16 Step, Lock, Step Forward, Step Right Forward 1/2 Over Left Shoulder, Full Turn, Step Left, Skate Right, Skate Left.
1 & ah 2 Step forward right, step left behind, step forward right, step forward left.
3 - 4 Step right foot forward, 1/2 turn pivot over left shoulder taking weight onto left.
5 & ah 6 Full turn over left shoulder, stepping right, left, right, step forward left into a skate.
7 - 8 Skate forward right, left.
17-24 Travelling Jazz Box, Sway Right, Sway Left, Left Side Weave, With 1/4 Turn Left, 1/2 Turn Pivot.
1 & ah 2 Cross right over left, step back left, step side right, cross left over right.
3 - 4 Sway hips to right, sway hips to left.
5 & ah 6 Cross right behind left, step left beside right, cross right in front of left, make a 1/4 turn to left, stepping onto left foot.
7 - 8 Step forward onto right foot, make a 1/2 turn pivot over left shoulder stepping onto left foot.
25-32 Full Turn Going Forward, Right, Left, Right, Step Onto Left, Rock Forward Right, Recover Onto Left, Coaster Step, Step Fwd 1/4 Turn Left.
1 & ah 2 Making a full turn over your left shoulder stepping Right, Left, Right, Step forward Left. (optional is to walk forward R, L, R, L)
3 - 4 Rock forward onto right, recover weight onto left.
5 & ah 6 Coaster step - step back on right, step together onto left, step forward right, step forward left.
7 - 8 Step forward onto right foot, make 1/4 turn left, taking weight onto left foot.
Start Over, Have Fun, and remember those moonlight nights.

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